Want to write a guest post for Cosmopolitans Blog?
You have come to the right place! Our guest posting guidelines outline what we’re looking for so you can be sure your pitch write for us + your guest post hits the mark with our editing team. We’re excited to hear your post ideas about the business and craft of freelance writing contact@cosmopolitansblog.com.
Clients started the Cosmopolitans Blog site with a fairly simple goal: to be a central hub that helps writers make money writing. The site’s content focuses on helping writers find higher-paying jobs, pitch more effectively, hone their craft, and even become authors.
Why We Pay Writers for Guest Post
We believe that if a blog makes money for its owner, guest posters should be compensated. After this blog started generating revenue, the Client started paying for guest posts and still does today.
Rates within our guest posting guidelines
We currently charge $75-$150 for guest posts (higher rates are for longer, more detailed pieces written on commission only). We purchase all rights to your post and request that your post be original and not published elsewhere at the same time.
Pitch your guest post ideas on…
What topics are we looking to assign? Based on reader requests, we are looking for articles on:
Blogging: How to get more traffic, body your list, guest post, convert, use blogging to get freelance clients (must be backed by data, screenshots, social proof).
Break-in: how/where to find good learner markets that pay.
Copywriting: Tips and strategies for writing headlines, email campaigns, lead magnets, case studies, white papers, and sales copy that convert.
Publisher Q&A: What do publishers really want? Talk to many in a slot and share it with us.
Ghostwriting: How do you find ghostwriting clients? How much should you charge? Are there ghostwriting platforms that connect writers to clients? What’s it like to be a ghostwriter?
Juggling: First-person stories about balancing a full-time or part-time day job, kids, family, and more. with freelance writing.
Taking the plunge: How to make the transition to full-time self-employment.
Market Reports: What it’s like to write for specific online websites and emerging platforms, including company interviews and successful writers on the platform.
Marketing: Lead generation strategies for finding freelance leads and clients, practical marketing tips for freelancers, ways to be consistent with marketing, how to find the right leads to pitch.
Rise and Earn More: First-person stories about how you found your first high-paying client, raised your rates, sold a big project to a client, or got into a new, higher-paying type of writing; where to find better clients and how to get them to hire you.
Overcoming Fear: New first-person approaches, techniques, and stories on how to freelance market or publish your writing despite fears, how to build trust.
Productivity: new techniques, tips, tools or ideas on time management, overcoming procrastination, getting involved, avoiding distractions and staying motivated.
Resources/tools/best sites: search for longer resource posts, 50-100 articles, for freelance writers.
Self-Publishing Success Stories: I’d love to hear from writers who do well in marketing and selling their eBooks.
Social media marketing success stories: on traditional or developing platforms, from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
Writing Skill: Real-world approaches and exercises to improve your writing, overcome dry spells, overcome writer’s block, know what to write about, write headlines.
Where should you send your pitch?
Make sure your pitch falls within our guest post guidelines and then email it over to our blog editor at contact@cosmopolitansblog.com.
Some Steps to Guest Posting to Cosmopolitans Blog
Here are my guest posting guidelines:
- Become a subscriber to this blog and read it for a while. Almost all of our successful guest posts come from regular readers.
- Read and follow these guest posting guidelines. Seriously, you wouldn’t believe how many writers toss me who have clearly never read this page.
- Submit your best headline idea AND an outline of your proposed guest post, in the body of your email.
- Receiving an assignment does not guarantee publication. So don’t forget to write the heck out of it.
- We purchase exclusive first publication and reprint rights. We reserve the right to reprint your article on other sites, and in future books or e-books that I create.
- DO NOT SUBMIT PRE-WRITTEN ARTICLES without first securing an assignment. They will not be read or published.8. We prefer guest posts between 800 and 1,200 words (unless we assign you a specific idea from the list above to a longer length that we agree on).
- Note that we do NOT compensate experts who wish to post a guest post prior to an appearance on one of my webinars or podcasts, or who post specifically to promote a paid book, course, or other product. If your guest post contains fresh and useful information for freelance writers, we may still be interested in publishing it, but do not pay in this situation.
- On the day your post is posted, please reply to comments on my Facebook. Part of what we pay for is your help with the post’s engagement and social sharing. Payment may not be received if you are MIA on the day your post is published, so be sure to let us know if you are unavailable so we can reschedule your post.
Email contact@cosmopolitansblog.com to submit your guest