People with sensitive skin feel specific symptoms of erythema or redness on the face. The most common is the sensation of tingling, tightness, heat, or even burning. Less frequent symptoms are usually those related to pruritus or itching. This skin has to be cared for and treated in a specific way! With products and cosmetics suitable for this type of skin, sensitive skin is more likely to react or not tolerate the application of certain products. When it comes to sensitive skin, it’s worth considering dermatologist-backed skincare products that work for sensitive skin, such as Calecim’s stem cell skincare.

How to recognize Sensitive or Intolerant Skin?

Sensitive or intolerant skin is reacts differently from normal skin. That is, it is hyperreactive. You may experience tingling, warmth (burning), tingling, and itching, most often intermittently. These feelings of discomfort can also be attended to by redness. They are symptoms derived from exposure to internal or external stimuli that should not irritate. This type of skin reacts to do not have any adverse effect. The characterizes the most sensitive skin causes the barrier to tolerate factors to a lesser extent than other skins would tolerate without problems.

Where Does this Skin Sensitivity come?

Two main factors cause skin intolerance:

Sensitive and intolerant skin suffers an alteration in its protective barrier function. This phenomenon favors water loss, so the skin becomes dehydrated and facilitates the penetration of potentially irritating agents.

Intolerant skins suffer from an excessive secretion of certain neurotransmitters through the superficial nerve endings. These secretions are the source of unpleasant sensations experienced by people with good skin. They secrete more cytokines (substances secreted by skin cells), which promote inflammatory processes.

Who does it Affect?

60% of women suffer from this condition more excellent than men, representing 40%. Some skin types are more predisposed to sensitivity than others for genetic reasons. We usually see this predisposition in light skin, although the skin color has nothing to do with its degree of sensitivity. However, the frequency with which this problem occurs shows a tendency to decrease with age. Having sensitive skin does not have psychological consequences, Although it does imply that positive moments of life can differ due to this type of reaction. Dealing with other dermatological pathologies and sensitive skin can be more complicated since it is easy for prescribed treatments poorly tolerated by our skin.

What Should I Do?

Consult your dermatologist to identify factors that trigger sensitivity or aggravate skin reactions in your case. More importantly, use skincare products that work well for sensitive skin, like Calecim’s stem cell skin care range. Once the reason generates, they will advise you personalized.

What is Sensible skin? And Why do We Have Sensible Skin?

Skin: dry, oily, or combination that overreacts strongly or more quickly.
Sensitive skin can be noticeable in several ways:
Endogenous factors: unique and own factors
• White and thin skins that red easily to have sensitive skin
Exogenous factors: External factors
• Unsuitable cosmetics: incorrect care and cleaning products. Peeling or laser intervention can lead the skin to react quickly
• Environmental factors: cold, sun, the wind that generate immediate reactions
• Lifestyle: food, alcohol, stress
Do you know the differences between what is sensitive skin and sensitized skin?
Sensitive skin: Sensitive skin is considered skin that reddens easily and presents irritations and itching. It is an altered and fragile skin in the face of external aggressions such as pollution. Sudden changes in temperature, inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep, fatigue, and other factors associated with the emotional and psychological state such as stress, anxiety, depression, sometimes this sensitivity are overstating.

The result: one in three people declares that they
– As additional data, the survey shows that 66% of people who claim to have sensitive skin suffer from an underlying skin disease.

Why do we have Sensible Skin?

The main factor is the alteration of the skin barrier in the epidermis, and it is weak and porous. On the one hand, favors that potentially irritating external agents penetrate more quickly and, on the other, that a more significant loss of water by evaporation occurs, which causes them to skin prone to dehydration and dryness, Which generates a decrease in the tolerance threshold.

How to recognize Facial Skin?

Healthy skin maintains a delicate balance that protects it from external influences and regulates moisture levels. Much of this is due to processes in the skin’s stratum. These lipids are like the “mortar” for the cell’s “bricks,” providing stability and permeability, regulating fluids, and maintaining elasticity and firmness

Symptoms of Sensitive Facial Skin may include the following:

  • Scales, redness, rashes, inflammation, scaling, and roughness.
  • They carried by itching, burning, tightness, and prickling.


Any commonly used moisturizing products do not the Sensitive skin is based on a survey carried out by the Pierre Fabre Laboratories epidemiological research group in eight European countries.