Rental Property: How do you know you’ve selected the best rental home for you? It’s not an easy task, but there are a few crucial considerations to consider when looking at possible new houses.

Whether you are looking for apartments used for rent in Liverpool, London, or Manchester, the main factors to examine are the same and help you find the best home for you.


It may come into view to be a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how simple it is to overlook a few key elements that may make a significant impact. First, find out what the typical current rental prices are for what you’re looking for, then set a budget and only look at houses that fall inside that range.

To qualify this, if you find an apartment that you believe is perfect for you, it never hurts to speak with the landlord to see if there is any room for negotiation on the price.

If you’re a good tenant with good references and you’re looking to extend your rental agreement, you may be able to get the rent slightly reduced.

Another item to consider when looking at houses is if the rent includes extras like water bills, home and garden upkeep, or council tax.

Rent Things

Connection to the Internet

With home working becoming increasingly common, a strong internet connection and a strong broadband signal have gone from being a “nice to have” amenity to an essential must for tenants. It means you should do your homework on this matter as well – look for WIFI signals and phone signals for your network in places you want to rent in and check whether they satisfy your digital demands.

No Smoking / No Pets

Typically, ads for rental homes will state whether or not they are willing to accept dogs and smoking within the property; nevertheless, if in question, it’s always a good idea to check with the landlord to see whether they are willing to accept either. If there is any ambiguity, always explain. For persons with disabilities who may require a guiding dog, it is pretty appropriate to urge the owner to modify any no-pet policy; but, if they reject, they may violate disability discrimination legislation.

Examine the Property Thoroughly

Outside, check to see whether the doors, windows, and gates are safe and well-maintained if the brick and paintwork appears clean and neat, and even give the roof a once-over from the street to see if any missing tiles might cause problems or annoyance for you later on.

Inside, the tests should continue — double-check that the doors and windows are secure. Check the water pressure, see if there are any symptoms of moisture, and see what type of heating installer. It’s also a good idea to contrast the furnishings to an inventory list you will provide to what’s in the house to see what you’ll be getting. Also, if the decor isn’t to your liking, ask the landlord if they’d be willing to let you change – you could even find that they’ll pay for the renovations.