Politics + AI: Write for Us
Submit your story to Politics + AI in two easy steps.
Hello potential writer! It’s Tim here, founder and editor-in-chief of Politics + AI Write For Us. Thank you for your interest in writing for us. I put together the following two-step guide to help you write and submit your article. We are eager to share your writing and look forward to creating a long-term partnership.
To write to us, you can email us at: contact@cosmopolitansblog.com.
Read Our Submission Guide
The realm of possible topics we’re interested in grows every day as AI technologies advance and become increasingly integrated into our lives. The following list of questions are just some of the possible topics you can write about.
Politics: What influence and power do different AI industry and research groups have over policy? What is the future of democracy in a world dependent on AI technologies? Will government intervention encourage AI researchers to become less transparent and accountable? Will transnational efforts to regulate AI fall to the same collective action problems that have previously undermined international cooperation? How can AI be used to promote equality and inclusion? What are the new political risks that companies face due to advances in AI?
Policy: How can governments encourage the uptake of AI in the private sector? What does an AI cluster look like and how can public policy encourage its development? What regulations are needed to harness the benefits of AI, while mitigating the risks of the technology? Should governments prepare for a world where 10% or 50% of jobs are at risk of automation? Will advances in AI lead to premature deindustrialization?How can AI be used to improve health, education, justice, and transportation policy?
Ethics: How should we hold people and companies accountable when AI causes harm? Is it ethical to deploy autonomous weapons? Should governments use AI to improve its services even if the AI is not explainable? What should be included in an ethical code for the use and development of AI? Should political parties be allowed to use AI technologies during a campaign to influence voters?
International Relations: How will AI change national security, foreign policy, and geopolitics? What are the implications of an AI arms race? How will AI change international trade? Does AI improve or infringe upon human rights? How does AI impact the global south differently than the global north? What role, if any, should the UN play in the global governance of AI?
What We Are Looking For In Your Article
We are primarily looking for long-form articles that are around 1,500 words. They should advance an original argument and be research-based. We do not recommend a particular format, but make sure your argument is clear and your evidence is cited (including photo attributions). Feel free to use subheadings, photos, videos, and gifs to help guide the reader through the article.
We are looking for your opinion and analysis. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the policy? How does it compare to what other countries are doing? What are the risks that policymakers are overlooking? What policy would you recommend instead? Tell the readers something new and thought-provoking.
Check Out Our Reading List
Are you interests in AI and its political implications, but don’t feel confident enough to write a 1,500-word article?
To help get you started, we have put together a reading list that covers that major reports on the politics of AI. You by no means have to read every entry, but take a look at some of the articles in the introduction section and the section related to the topic you want to write on.
Please Only Submit Unpublished Drafts
Once you’ve become a writer for Politics + AI (see step 2), please only submit unpublished drafts. Since Medium’s algorithm flavors recent stories, your article will perform poorly if submitted as a published article. To make sure you get the most exposure possible, please only submit unpublished drafts.
We Fall-back the Right to Alter and Edit Your Story
The team at Politics + AI write for us can edit the pleased of your story if structural mistakes are found, along with tally logos, bylines, ads, images, etc. to your story. If you remove this content politics write for us after your story is available, it will be remove from Politics + AI and you will be removed from our list of contributors.
Use Tags!
Tags allow readers outside of the publication to find your article and Medium allows you to add up to five of them to your article. When deciding which to include, please choose at least one of the following as your first tag: politics, policy, ethics, or international relations. You can include all four if you’d like, but you must choose at least one of the four since it is how we will archive your article on our publication.
When selecting your other tags, consider both the popularity of the tag (security has 33K tags, while military only has 9.9K tags) and what tags are related (if you write about the future of work, it’s better to tag automation rather than economy, despite the former having 3,000 fewer tags). Also consider using popular tags such as AI, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology to round out the five.
Share Politics + AI Content
The easiest way to increase the number of views on your article (in addition to sharing your own article, which you should always do) is to share other articles from Politics + AI.
Because the more people read Politics + AI, the more likely it is that they follow the publication and read other articles — including the one you wrote! By helping the publication grow, you help grow your potential audience.
Step 2: Become a Writer and Submit Your Article
Politics + AI is an open community and we are eager to publish and share your work. For us to be able to do this, you first need to have a Medium account. After you’ve done this, you then need to request to become a writer for Politics + AI. You can do this by either filling out the form below or by clicking here.
Once we’ve added you as a writer, you can then submit your unpublished draft to us. To do this, click the “Add to Publication” feature in the three dot menu when editing your article. It will look like this:
Select Politics + AI and then click submit draft. Once we have conventional it, we will carefully review your submission for grammatical errors and publish it if it meets the standards we are looking for in the publication. Our response time varies, but we’re usually pretty quick. If you haven’t heard back about a submission within 48 hours, please shoulder it won’t be publish. We reject articles that are factually wrong, lack evidence, or propagate hate and discrimination. We will also reject articles that are unrelated to the topics of Politics + AI.
Thank you again for your interest in writing for us. If your article is aligned with our publication’s themes and standards, we will be in touch soon!
We’re looking forward to your submission!
Please send your article to contact@cosmopolitansblog.com